Program-project management methodologies

Program-Project Management Methodologies

Continuous Improvement is a hallmark of Lean, and we have been continuously honing our project management effectiveness and efficiency over nearly 2 decades.

Change is the only constant in life, personally and professionally. Every project, without exception, is geared towards some kind of change.

Project Management = Change Management.

And, the better you are at ‘projects’, (as an individual or organisation), the faster and easier to benefit from the changes that you want or need. It’s this type of expertise, which we offer for your benefit.

Project management is a vehicle to implement something. It’s a means to an end. The end is what you want to see as end-results (deliverables), and your vehicle  (project management) should enable this.

Below you may find some examples of types of ‘use’ of this set of competences, without being exhaustive;

  1. Run a project for you; from start-up, defining the approach, ensuring appropriate stakeholders’ involvement, up to and including an implementation of its deliverables, thereby reaching the goals you had in your mind.
  2. Running a program for you; i.e. Lean implementation across an entire organisation
  3. Define and implement a Project Management Methodology that fits your needs (and constraints!).
  4. Creating project and program-dashboards with KPI’s.
  5. Coaching and training on project/program management.

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