Lean implementations - Organisation wide

Lean implementations - organisation wide

The quality of a question determines the quality of the answer. Knowing what to ask, when to ask it, who to ask it, and how to ask it is a Key Competence we invested heavily in. Evidently, the same applies to our listening skills.

At the very start of any Lean implementation the aim is to define the most suited roadmap to install Lean in your organisation, teams, and processes. Capturing a structured comprehensive view on your needs, your issues, the starting position, and the goals you have in mind is an integral part of this.


“Why” is a question we will need to answer many, many times.

Do we first Lean a process, and if so, which process? Why this process, and not another? Do we first install “Operational Excellence” in some teams? Which teams, and in which sequence? Why not other teams, and why in this order? Should we define our roadmap on a combination of both leaning a process, and incrementally install Operational Excellence in the involved teams? Do we first install a structural systematic set of communication forums – and if so, to which extent and ‘where’: within teams, across different teams which are inter-dependant, vertically, or a combination of all of the above? Should our focus first go to Quality, or should it be standardisation, or harmonisation of processes, or the speed of delivery, or Kaizen sessions for recurrent issues, or increasing polyvalence, etc.


Lean sustainability is only possible through embedding it in your organisation. Embedding is only (realistically) possible by having people that have acquired a certain level of skills and competences regarding Lean. This goal is always part of what we do. It is integrated in our approaches.  It also proves time and time again; having people actively contribute – appropriately - in projects early on, increases project’s succcess. How; i.e. faster and clearer view on needs and constraints, working processes, work organisation on-the-floor, ‘hidden’ wastes, etc.


For a more in-depth understanding on ‘leaning processes’ or ‘operational excellence teams’, please refer to the drop down buttons (Services and Projects) in the site menu.

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